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Coeymans Supervisor asks town attorney to resign

Mar 14, 2023 12:34 pm

Melanie Lekocevic reports for Capital Region Independent Media that Coeymans planning/zoning board of appeals attorney Andrew Brick resigned Feb. 27, and some town board members are upset. In his letter of resignation, Brick said that Coeymans Town Supervisor George McHugh asked him to resign. “You informed me that the town had received correspondence from a law firm retained by the Nolan Propane Company alleging a bias in my representation of the planning board/zoning board of appeals,” Brick wrote to McHugh. “Not having been afforded a copy of such correspondence, I cannot comment upon any specific allegations contained therein, but I can state this — I stand behind each and every statement made, position taken, opinion offered, recommendation suggested and piece of legal advice provided to the planning board/zoning board of appeals during my tenure as their attorney. Each and every one. Clearly, I cannot continue to effectively represent a board when its own chairman has chosen to hire legal counsel to publicly attack my integrity and professionalism. Nor am I comfortable representing any town entity without the support and confidence of the town board, which you informed me I no longer possess.” But Town Councilmember Stephen Schmitt said that Brick does have the support and confidence of the town board. Schmitt said, "When he writes that he doesn’t have the support of the town board, it brothers me because I didn’t share that opinion. I think he was an exceptional attorney and I don’t think he should be the one resigning.” Schmitt asked McHugh for an explanation as to why Brick was asked to resign. McHugh cut him off, saying, “I’m not going to explain anything. Is there any other discussion?” Then the town board voted to hire the Albany-based law firm Tabner, Ryan & Keniry. Read more about this story at TheUpstater.com.