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Greene officials to discuss tax cap dangers
Mar 04, 2011 8:02 am
Greene County Legislature Chairman Wayne Speenburgh has called a meeting for next Wednesday, March 9, to discuss pertinent state government issues with local representatives, all Republican, and has invited all Greene County town supervisors and village mayors to attend. Colin DeVries of the Daily Mail rep reports that the meeting is scheduled for March 9 at 7 p.m. in the multi-purpose room of the Greene County Emergency Services Center, 25 Volunteer Drive in Cairo. The announcement of the meeting came following the legislature's human services committee's passage of several resolutions calling on state government to provide mandate relief in face of the state's declared intentions to initiate a 2 percent cap, which has passed the state senate but is failing to gain support in the Assembly, despite Gov. Andrew Cuomo's support. The six resolutions, which still need votes from the full legislature, include: A call for a full state takeover of local government Medicaid costs; Adequate funding provided by the state for family services and child care assistance programs due to increased caseloads; Reform to the youth detention program that will reduce the counties’ costs for maintaining empty or low-population facilities and provide incentive to local governments for alternatives to incarceration; Provision of adequate funding to administer food stamp and safety net programs; development of "predictable and stable” child care funding streams or takeover child care administration; and the maintenance of a “constitutional commitment to health and well being of children” statewide by maintaining current funding levels for child welfare protective and preventive services. State legislators representing Greene County, and pushing the tax cap, will attend to discuss its built-in supermajority override, underfunded and unfunded state mandates, state pension systems, and local government obligations. New York’s 51st District State Senator James Seward, R-Milford, 127th District Assemblyman Peter Lopez, R-Schoharie, and 108th District Assemblyman Steven McLaughlin, R-Melrose, are scheduled. It seems all the fever for cutting government services is hitting increasing pushback as it meets local needs.