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Woodstock board condemns recent hate; remembers local hate
Aug 17, 2017 12:03 am
William J. Kemble reports in The Daily Freeman that after a weekend of violence from white supremacist, Ku Klux Klan members, and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Va., folks in Woodstock held a rally against the racist violence on Aug. 14, and at the town board meeting Aug. 15, it was all everyone could talk about. Town Supervisor Bill McKenna said, “I’m ever-optimistic the country will tilt back to the proper direction.... It’s going to take all of us, it’s going to take an effort, but, I think, ... we all need to remember in a little over a year there’s going to be another election and we all have to do our part.” One older councilperson recalled Nazi camps in the 1930s in the Catskills (which included one in Windham, with a National Archives video embedded in the WGXC Newsroom above). Councilman and town historian Richard Heppner said, “We have had a cross burned in Woodstock.... We have had (the Communist symbol) hammers and sickles burned in Woodstock. It just requires vigilance to make sure that it doesn’t happen again because it can happen here.” Read the full story in The Daily Freeman.