WGXC-90.7 FM

Hudson waterfront public hearing report

Jan 25, 2010 5:19 pm
Carole Osterink at The Gossips of Rivertown has the most detailed account of the public hearing on the draft LWRP (Local Waterfront Revitalization Program/Plan) and GEIS (Generic Environmental Impact Study) was held at John L. Edwards School in Hudson last Wednesday. She estimates 150 folks attended, but names the ten people who spoke: a representative of the Hudson Power Boat Association; a spokesperson for the Fugary Boat Club, the squated settlement at the north end of Front Street; Hendrick von Ritter, who has an ongoing lawsuit against the City of Hudson; Elsa Leviseur; Patrick Doyle, owner of Basilica Industria; local business owner and activist Peter Jung; Christopher Reed, board president of Friends of Hudson; Hilary Hillman; Mark Wildonger, planner for Scenic Hudson; and Osterink herself. Click on her blog to read what they all had to say about the future of Hudson's waterfront.

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