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Gillibrand touts federal aid for high heating bills

Dec 12, 2022 12:12 pm

Skylar Eagle reports for News10 that as National Grid officials said they expect home heating prices to increase by 39 percent for natural gas and 22 percent for electric this winter, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand was at Albany City Hall Dec. 12 to tout aid available to help with those higher bills. She said anyone in need should turn to the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. “It provides money for families when they have no where left to turn, it offers them support to keep their homes heated and to keep themselves safe,” Gillibrand said. Now there's $412 million for New Yorkers that need utility bill assistance, after Congress added $63 million more to the program in September because of rising inflation. Gillibrand said New Yorkers should not face the cold this winter because of the higher prices. “Some people can simply not afford that, especially after these last few years with COVID where many people have been struggling to make ends meet,” Gillibrand said. “Going without utilities is not an option.” Read the full story at News10.