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Greene County gets temporary C of O for new jail
Andrea Macko is reporting for Porcupine Soup Greene County was granted a temporary certificate of occupancy on March 26 for the new jail and sheriff's office in Coxsackie. Officials said the $47 million project is on time and under budget. The 73,000-square feet, two-level structure on Route 9W houses the county jail on one side and the sheriff's administrative offices on the other. In addition, the facility includes a 6,000-square foot single level maintenance building for vehicles and equipment. The temporary certificate of occupancy will allow for the use of the entire building except for the housing pods, said Legislative Chairman Patrick Linger. “...We can move the sheriff administration, investigators, evidence — basically use all of the unsecured side and the maintenance garage,” Linger said. He said the county is also in conversation with the New York State Commission of Correction to use the intake area, control room and kitchen in the secure jail side. This plan will allow the county to vacate completely the former Bank of Greene County building on Mansion Street and get it on the market for sale. The sheriff's office has been using that building since moving out of the village of Catskill in 2019. Linger said he expects the Commission of Correction to begin inspections of the new building in late April or early May. Site work, such as paving and landscaping, will likely continue into June. If all goes as planned, Linger said the county will begin to house people in the new jail by July 1. As of last week, Greene County was boarding out 38 people to Albany and Ulster counties. Read the full story at pocupinesoup [dot] com.