WGXC-90.7 FM
Schoharie corrections officials still in trailer four years after storm
Dec 18, 2015 12:02 am
Timothy Knight in The Watershed Post reports that the Schoharie County Corrections Office is still housed in a dilapidated Federal Emergency Management Agency trailer with a portable outhouse, four years after the storms associated with Hurricane Irene savaged the Catskills. During the storms in 2011, the county's Public Safety Facility in Schoharie was hit by raging floodwaters with the county jail in the first floor completely destroyed. The corrections department moved into a FEMA trailer, designed for 18 months of use. “The FEMA trailer’s got a refrigerator and a stove, but they can’t run it because it blows the fuses out,” said Schoharie County Sheriff Tony Desmond. “Out of our own pockets the undersheriff and I bought them a microwave.” Read the full story in The Watershed Post.