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Hudson considering parking bureau and permit system

May 01, 2023 12:45 pm

Jammel Cutler reports for Columbia-Greene Media that Hudson's ad hoc parking committee is considering forming a parking bureau and starting a resident permit system. Hudson Common Council President Tom DePietro said, “The idea of a parking bureau is to concentrate all the elements of a parking system in our city into one director. Right now the police department controls the meter patrols, but DPW controls the physical meter.... The third person is a clerk, who does all the clerical work for the parking tickets. The idea for the bureau is to consolidate this under one person who can oversee the entire parking program in the city.” A 2022 parking study in Hudson recommended converting the city's parking meters to pay stations that take up less space on sidewalks and can accept credit cards. The parking committee is now weighing the parking needs of both residents and visitors to come up with a potential permit system, giving residents more priority. Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.