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Today's local headlines
Jul 19, 2009 3:42 pm
Local housing groups get $650,000 in grants
From The Daily Mail
Wilzig track foes win latest round in court
From The Columbia Paper
Hudson antique dealers struggling
From The Register-Star
Falling dairy prices strain farmers
From The Daily Mail
Outbreak of Fungus Threatens Tomato Crop
From The New York Times
Trippi's weird "apology"
From The Albany Project
Mark Eitzel will perform at 8 p.m. Jason's Upstairs Bar, 521 Warren St. in Hudson.
From The Daily Mail
The Hunter Foundation, in Tannersville, and the Catskill Mountain Housing Development Corporation, in Catskill, were notified Thursday that they are each a recipient of grants — $300,000 and $350,000, respectively — from NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR), the administrator agency for federal U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds. The money is part of a statewide package of $31.4 million in housing grants announced by Gov. David A. Paterson Thursday.
Wilzig track foes win latest round in court
From The Columbia Paper
State Supreme Court Judge Patrick J. McGrath handed down an interim decision last week denying Alan Wilzig's petition for dismissal of a complaint filed by the Granger Group in regard to his private motorcycle track. Mr. Wilzig received site plan approval and designation as a permissible recreational use from the Town of Taghkanic's Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board earlier this year. But he was unable to proceed with paving the track because of an injunction against further construction on the facility. The injunction was obtained by the Granger Group, an association of citizens opposed to the track and concerned about enforcement of town zoning law, and by neighbors to the Wilzig property who believe that the track is not allowed under the zoning laws.
Hudson antique dealers struggling
From The Register-Star
Antique sales in Hudson are down around 20 to 30 percent, according to Hudson Antiques Dealers Association president Frank Rosa. Jennifer Arensksjold, co-owner of Arenskjold Antiques Art and Modern Design says sales actually fell more after the recession associated with the World Trade Center attack, which also coincided with a change in buyers' tastes.
Falling dairy prices strain farmers
From The Daily Mail
A top official at the U.S. Department of Agriculture defended his agency’s response to tumbling milk prices as “extremely aggressive” but showed little appetite Tuesday for immediate and far-reaching measures that some lawmakers say would keep thousands of dairy farmers in business. The Daily Mail story does not mention New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's work on this issue:Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is introducing legislation that would increase the amount farmers get through the Milk Income Loss Contract -- or MILC --program. MILC pays dairy farmers cash when milk prices fall below certain levels. When demand is up, prices tend to be up as well. The program is aimed at helping small and midsize dairy farmers weather low prices. But Gillibrand says that under the current pricing structure, farmers aren't receiving enough income to cover the costs of staying in business. She's introducing a bill this week that would double the amount of money farmers get from the MILC program retroactive to the low point of the pricing crisis in March. Another bill would increase the MILC rate to account for inflation.
Outbreak of Fungus Threatens Tomato Crop
From The New York Times
A highly contagious fungus that destroys tomato plants has quickly spread to nearly every state in the Northeast and the mid-Atlantic, and the weather over the next week may determine whether the outbreak abates or whether tomato crops are ruined, according to federal and state agriculture officials.
Trippi's weird "apology"
From The Albany Project
"Joe Trippi, who has been working secretly for Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (NY-14) in her primary challenge to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand for more than a month, posted an odd "apology" for his deception (which occurred at Daily Kos, Huffington Post and with several reporters) on his website yesterday." This comes after PolitickerNY found Maloney's second quarter FEC filing and found a $10,500 check to Trippi dated June 5, well before he stopped writing about Maloney as if he was an unpaid observer.
Mark Eitzel will perform at 8 p.m. Jason's Upstairs Bar, 521 Warren St. in Hudson.