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Audio Feature: This week in news for Representative John Faso

May 20, 2017 9:22 am
Click here (3:46) to listen to WGXC's Congressional report, a look back at the week in news for Rep. John Faso (R-Kinderhook).

The New York Times reported that on May 17 U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller III, the former F.B.I. director, to serve as a special counsel for an investigation into Russian meddling in the election, and local representatives on both sides of the aisle applauded the decision. Rep. John Faso, or someone using Twitter for the Kinderhook Republican, wrote, "Mr. Mueller has unquestioned integrity and is a wise choice to lead the FBI investigation as Special Counsel." Sen. Chuck Schumer's Twitter feed read: "Former Director Mueller is exactly the right kind of individual to serve as special counsel in the Russia investigation. I now have significantly greater confidence that the investigation will follow the facts wherever they lead."

Matthew Hamilton reports in Capitol Confidential that Sue Sullivan, a strategic planning consultant from Ulster County, is the latest Democrat to file paperwork to run in the 19th Congressional District, where John Faso (R-Kinderhook) is now the representative. “People have asked why I’m doing this,” Sullivan said in a statement. “They say, ‘don’t bother, nothing is going to change.’ But that’s not how I was raised. Through my work across these communities I’ve seen directly how working together and listening we can get things done.” Sullivan is a former executive at St. Luke’s Cornwall Hospital in Newburgh who says she has worked with Sen. Charles Schumer, former Sen. Hillary Clinton, and former Rep. Maurice Hinchey to change the Medicare reimbursement rate. She has since founded the Greater Newburgh Partnership, raising millions to promote development in Newburgh. Other official candidates so far include Antonio Delgado of Dutchess County, Brian Flynn of Greene County, Steven Brisee of Ulster County, and Gareth Rhodes of Ulster County. A Woodstock teacher Jeff Beal has also announced an intention to run against Faso in 2018. Read the full story in Capitol Confidential.

Dan Freedman in The Albany Times Union reports that Rep. John Faso (R-Kinderhook) does not have much to say about the constant deluge of negative stories about President Donald Trump. Last week Faso wanted a new FBI director acceptable to Republicans and Democrats, and if that could not be agreed upon, than a special prosecutor. Now that the Deputy Attorney General has appointed a special counsel to investigate possible Russian involvement in the recent election, Faso released a statement saying: "Facts are more important than Washington political games. Let the appropriate committees do their oversight work and collect the facts." Read the full story in The Albany Times Union.

Nicole Gaudiano at USA Today reports that Rep. John Faso (R-Kinderhook) voted May 17 to block a vote on legislation to create an independent commission to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election. Only one Republican voted against the measure blocking the bill from reaching a vote. The legislation, which was blocked 229-188, would have created a 12-member, bipartisan commission to interview witnesses, obtain documents, issue subpoenas, and receive public testimony about Russia’s attempts to influence the election. The bill was co-sponsored by two Republicans, and one of them voted against the bill. Read the full story at USA Today.