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State AG files lawsuit against Karolys over dump sites
Jun 26, 2020 2:00 pm
Amanda Fries is reporting for the Times Union state Attorney General Letitia James June 25, filed a lawsuit against the operators of three dump sites in Ulster County citing “persistent and flagrant violations” of state solid waste and water pollution laws. The case was filed in state Supreme Court in Ulster County against J Karolys and Son, a local trucking and excavation company. The suit alleges that three of the dumps in the town of Saugerties accepted and disposed of construction and demolition debris at the sites, and operated without the requisite state water pollution control permits and in violation of solid waste requirements. “Mr. Karolys not only didn’t follow our laws, he repeatedly and flagrantly flouted them — ignoring the harms that his illegal conduct posed to the town of Saugerties and Ulster County," James said in a press release. The dumps in question are located adjacent to state Route 212 between the village of Saugerties and the town center of Woodstock in a largely residential area. Read the full story in the Times Union.