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Business gangs up on labor, statewide...
Dec 20, 2010 6:43 am
The Times Union's great State Worker web blog has a fascinating tidbit up about how state business groups are starting to line up with incoming governor Andrew Cuomo for some major public employee union bashing in the months to come, pledging $10 million to their effort's publicity. Seems that the trend started years back with the utter divorce between Labor Day and its history is now getting a full throttle push against all forms of worker organization... with teachers and other longterm, hardworking state employees getting the blame -- alongside immigrants -- for our current jobs problems. And not those who actually employ people.
Steve Spinola of the Real Estate Board of NY and the new Committee to Save New York visited Liz Benjamin at “Capital Tonight” to explain the group’s support of Andrew Cuomo in his upcoming fight against public-sector unions, how much money the group spent on the most recent election, and how much they plan to spend on “educating” the public by countering information put out by unions.Read the entire story in The Times-Union.