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Hackers hit server at St. Peter's surgical center
Brian Nearing is reporting for the Times Union a surgical center affiliated with St. Peter's Hospital in Albany has been hit by the second-largest computer breach of patient records in New York since 2016. St. Peter's Surgery and Endoscopy Center revealed February 22, that hackers potentially compromised medical records of about 135,000 patients in early 2018. The breach was discovered January 8, and it has been reported to the Office of Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. A subsequent investigation did not determine if any records had been copied or not. Patients were advised to check insurance statements for suspicious activity or "charges for services they did not receive." Letters have been mailed to those affected. Servers for St. Peter's Hospital and Albany Gastroenterology Consultants were not impacted. The compromised server stored patient names, dates of birth, addresses, dates of service, diagnosis codes, procedure codes, insurance information and, in some instances, Medicare information, which includes Social Security numbers. Read the full story in the Times Union.