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More than half million New Yorkers would lose health care under GOP bill

Mar 23, 2017 12:06 am

More than half a million residents of upstate New York will lose their healthcare coverage if the GOP health care bill is approved, according to the Protect Our Care coalition. In a statement released Wed., Mar. 22, the coalition warned that the provisions of the bill -- including massive cuts to Medicaid, increased costs and weakened coverage protections for older and low-income people, combined with tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans -- would result in nearly 66,000 of U.S. Rep. John Faso's constituents in the 19th Congressional District losing their health care coverage. “If members of the House and Senate really care about the health and financial security of their constituents they would vote no on any bill that raises health care costs and cuts coverage,” said Leslie Dach, the coalition's campaign director. The group called on New York's GOP Congressmen to "be honest with their constituents and admit they’re voting to strip them of their healthcare." Protect Our Care is a political coalition formed in 2016 to block the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Membership includes the Center for American Progress, Doctors for America, NAACP, National Council of La Raza, National Urban League, the National Women’s Law Center and SEIU.