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Cornwallville residents opposed to development plan
Dec 03, 2020 5:45 am
Melanie Lekocevic is reporting for Columbia-Greene Media opponents of a proposed housing development on Strong Road in Durham are making their objections known, posting signs and producing a petition enumerating their concerns about the project. Several people also spoke against the project at a December 1, meeting of the Durham Town Board after the project developers supplied preliminary sketches of the plan. Bosque Development, LLC, is proposing a residential and farm project that would be sited on 95 acres on two parcels of land near Cornwallville and Strong roads. The project would subdivide two lots into 13; 12 would be residential, varying in size from three to 10 acres each. There would be 12 single-family homes "consistent with the character of Cornwallville’s historic district and community," a Bosque representative said. The farm parcel would be located on a separate five-acre site. Cornwallville resident Dan Clifton said, “It is a big project and it will have a big impact. It will turn a rural landscape into a suburban subdivision that directly contradicts the essence of the Cornwallville historic district.” He also called upon the town board to complete a full environmental assessment, not the short-form submitted in the developer’s preliminary sketch plan. Resident Abigail Agranat said she also believes the project will change the nature of the community. Resident Stephen Ellwood disputed the developer's historic district study claiming there are no homes in the area eligible for listing on the National Historic Register, and resident Melanie Wesslock is concerned about the size of the project. The community is opposed to the project, Clifton said. Read more at HudsonValley360 [dot] com.