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Students who get free tuition must stay in state or pay

Apr 11, 2017 8:00 am

Anna Gronewold and David Klepper are reporting for the Associated Press under the state's new free college tuition initiative students must stay in the state following graduation or face paying back the benefits. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Mon., Apr. 10, the requirement was included to protect the state's investment in a student's education. “Why should New Yorkers pay for your college education and then you pick up and you move to California?” Cuomo said. The tuition program covers state college or university tuition for in-state students from families earning $125,000 or less. Students must remain in the state for as many years as they receive the benefit. Rosa Acheson is reporting for Columbia-Greene Media Columbia-Greene Community College President Jim Campion said Monday he estimates that nine out of 10 Columbia-Greene students meet the program’s income requirements. "Hopefully, it will open doors for many families who have avoided college in the past because of financial reasons," he said. According to a press release from the governor's office, more than 60 percent of Hudson Valley families are believed to be eligible for the benefit. Read these stories in the Daily Freeman and the Register-Star.