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Greene County using ARPA funds for broadband
No Republicans voted for the American Rescue Plan Act when it passed in Congress, but the Republicans who run the Greene County Legislature sure love touting the local benefits of the bill signed by President Joe Biden. Liz Montgomery reports in Porcupine Soup that Greene County is now using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to add broadband service in mountaintop locations in the Towns of Catskill, Durham, Windham, Ashland, and Prattsville. Mid-Hudson Cable, Margaretville Telephone Company, and Charter Communications are getting $2.2 million dollars to provide service in areas they have so far deemed unprofitable. “Greene County is able to make this important infrastructure investment with a portion of the federal funding it received under the American Rescue Plan Act” said Patrick Linger, chair of the Greene County Legislature. Greene County Administrator Shaun Groden said, “The availability of ARPA funds from the federal government makes this the perfect opportunity to invest in our infrastructure.” About 1,400 addresses will get broadband service along 112 miles of roadways sometime in 2023 or 2024. Read the full story in Porcupine Soup.