WGXC-90.7 FM
Catskill Town Board Committee Meeting
May 18, 2016: 6:15 pm
Catskill Town Hall
439 Main Street | Catskill, NY 12414 | (518) 943-2141
The Town of Catskill holds their monthly meeting. The public is encouraged to attend. Meeting opens with a Public Hearing A Public Hearing to hear comments and concerns regarding existing violations of the Code of the Town of Catskill, Junk, Chapter 115, Article 2, Sections 115-19, at the property of Eddie Wilkins Jr., 48 Church St., Leeds, NY New York, 12413, in that conditions on the property have been deemed, upon inspection, to constitute a public nuisance. The property owner is directed and ordered to immediately abate or remove conditions before May 18, 2016. WGXC is partnering with the Town of Catskill to present live audio streams of public meetings. The Catskill Town Board meets every first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m., and holds a committee meeting the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. During meetings, the live stream will be accessible by clicking the play arrow below. Additionally, audio archives from past meetings will be available following the meeting. More information at http://www.townofcatskillny.gov/.