WGXC-90.7 FM

Wage / Working Jukebox Project Audio Portraits Workshop
May 28, 2014 - May 30, 2014
Athens Cultural Center
24 Second Street | Athens, NY 12015 | (518) 945-2136
Learn the basics of documentary interviewing techniques, digital audio field recording, story scripting and digital editing through guided tutorials and hands-on exercises. For ages 14 and older. Free to all. Registration required. To register: info@athensculturalcenter.org or (518) 945-2136. Co-sponsored by the Athens Cultural Center and WGXC 90.7-FM.
The Athens Cultural Center and WGXC 90.7-FM announce an exciting participatory workshop, Audio Portraits: An Introduction to Interviewing, for ages 14-adult. In this workshop participants will produce a short audio portrait of the working life of an Athen's resident to be included in the Wage/Working Jukebox which will be on exhibit at the Athens Cultural Center, 24 Second Street from May 31-Dec. 1, 2014.
Wage/Working is a jukebox-based installation featuring stories and sounds from the working lives of residents of Greene and Columbia counties. The stories are edited to a length, corresponding with the amount of time it takes each interviewee to earn $1, creating an inverse relationship between monetary value and time. The project, which was first exhibited at the Cairo Public Library, was created by Tennessee Watson & Laura Hadden as a part of an AIR Live Interactive Residency during the Spring of 2013 at free103point9 Wave Farm, and WGXC 90.7-FM in Acra, NY, with financial support provided, in part, by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA).
In this two-session workshop participants will learn the basics of documentary interviewing technique, digital audio field recording, story scripting and digital editing through guided tutorials and hands-on exercises; and with facilitator support will assemble a short audio portrait.
Session 1 will take place Wednesday May 28th 6 - 9 pm and Session 2 will be on Friday, May 30th, 6 - 9 pm. Please note that participants must attend both sessions. Participants will also be required to do work outside of class prior to Session 2, which involves interviewing a community member about their work, reviewing the recording and creating a brief outline. These workshops, co-sponsored by WGXC, 90.7-FM, will take place at the Athens Cultural Center, 24 Second Street, Athens, and are offered free of charge but pre-registration is necessary. Register on-line at info@athensculturalcenter.org or by calling 518-945-2136.
On Saturday May 31, from 5-7 PM, there will be an Opening Reception of the Wage/Working Jukebox at the Cultural Center featuring a listening session and celebration of pieces produced in the Audio Portraits workshop.