WGXC-90.7 FM

Silence Will Not Protect You!

Apr 16, 2018: 6pm- 7:30 pm
Hudson Area Library

51 N. 5th St. (at State St.)  | Hudson, NY 12534 | (518) 828-1792

A Hudson Area Library Reading and Discussion Series on the work of poet, civil rights activist and librarian Audre Lorde. This program will be facilitated by Donna Ford-Grover, a member of the staff of Bard College since 2005, currently teaching in the Literature and American Studies Department. The series will be held every Monday evening through April 30. Books will be made available by Humanities NY and the library through the Mid-Hudson Library System. Participants may register and receive copies of the books by email (programs@hudsonarealibrary.org), calling (518) 828.1792, ext.101, or at the library main desk, Open to the public.