WGXC-90.7 FM

David Shrigley, To Be Of Use
1405 County Route 22 | Ghent, NY 12075 | 518-392-4568
"David Shrigley: To Be Of Use" showcases practical objects, each with a twist that undermines its anticipated function. Among the objects are selections from a series called Problem Guitars, each of which can be played, but in an altered capacity. An oversized telephone allows viewers to make phone calls—so long as the intended number doesn't contain a zero. Throughout the duration of the exhibition, The Artist—a Roomba outfitted with markers protruding from its nostrils—will produce a new weekly drawing to be displayed amongst the other artworks.
At 3 p.m. on May 25, Problem Guitars will be featured in a performance by musicians Melissa Auf der Maur, Kid Millions, Arone Dyer, Rebecca Ruth Borrer, and Matt Norman. The performance will be broadcast live on Wave Farm's WGXC 90.7-FM.