WGXC-90.7 FM

Wampum Belt Teachings from Loowanaxung

May 27, 2023: 10am- 12pm
Wild Hudson Valley Eco Camp

408 Lake Mills Rd | Cairo, NY 12451

Wampum Belt Teachings from Loowanaxung Event Image

Wampum Belt Teachings from Loowanaxung Event Image. Courtesy Wild Hudson Valley. (May 01, 2023)

Join us in this unique opportunity to learn about the history of wampum and its connection to the land surrounding us. Participants will assist in creating a new wampum belt that reflects our stewardship to the land and the Hudson Valley, the original homeland of the Lunaapeewak. Meet Kristin Jacobs, spirit name Loowanaxung, translating to North Wind. Kristin is Delaware from Eelunaapéewi Lahkeewiit, ON, Canada. She is wolf clan and has been reclaiming and teaching her endangered Language: Munsee-Delaware for over 10 years. Kristin teaches the Delaware language to students in grades 1-8 at Naahii Ridge Elementary. This event is brought to you by Kristin Jacobs (Loowanaxung) of Eelunaapéewi Lahkeewiit, Wild Hudson Valley and Wave Farm WGXC-FM.