WGXC-90.7 FM

The Aerial Actor Presentations
1405 County Route 22 | Ghent, NY
An evening of aerial acts with works by artists from Hong Kong and New York presented by Art Omi, Wave Farm and eteam.
Drones or UAV’s (unmanned aerial vehicles) have become ubiquitous objects and their use has been restricted, expanded, aestheticized, embraced by agriculture and for art. But what is the effect of this new device? The rise of drones has already been compared with the early days of the Internet along with similar legal issues, confusion and competing interests.
Through a range of works this event will look at this device and its implications by utilizing Drones as carriers of messages or actors in performances. Some works will use lights on the Drones in the sky and some works will project light from the Drone to the ground below. Some works will incorporate sound and transmission and others will look at the threatening effect of this eye in the sky. Artists participating in The Aerial Actor are: Markley Boyer, Chan Wing Yan, Doreen + Lock Cheung, Cheng Carmen, Cheung Yee Kwan Sonia, Chung Mei King, Chung Wing Shan, Kwong Man Chun, eteam, Kim Fisher, Maximilian Goldfarb, Miles Goldfarb, Nicholas Knouf, Alon Koppel, Heidi Neilson, Tom Roe, Coriander Shapiro, Yip Wai Shuen, Lam Wing Sze, MA Pui Ying, and Wong Wai Mandy.