WGXC-90.7 FM

Schwervon, Nature Films

Mar 30, 2013: 8pm- 11:59 pm
free103point9 Online Radio

Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen

The Spotty Dog Books & Ale

440 Warren St. | Hudson, NY 12534 | 518-671-6006

WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere

Live webstream for this, and most, shows at Spotty Dog Books & Ale available from free103point9 and WGXC at http://comm.free103point9.org:8000/spottydog.mp3.m3u. This show will be broadcast live on free103point9 Online Radio and WGXC 90.7-FM.

Schwervon is a two-piece rock band. Their latest album is titled "Courage," and was recorded in Memphis, Tennessee with Doug Easley (Cat Power, Pavement, Breeders). Nature Films is the music of Louis Munroe, Christian Hayes, and Pat Linnan.