WGXC-90.7 FM

Read and Fead
Jul 30, 2016: 5pm- 11pm
Basilica Hudson
110 S. Front St. | Hudson, NY 12534 | 518-822-1050
Basilica Hudson and the Community for Literary Magazines and Presses, present Read and Feed, a new festival for food and literature. This event brings together artisanal makers of food with artisanal makers of literature. This inaugural “mini-festival” will feature panel discussions bringing together writers, farmers and chefs, cooking and mixology demonstrations, a marathon reading of John Cage’s Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse), and a marketplace featuring more than twenty small press publishers and artisanal food makers, plus spectacular eats and drinks. Much of the John Cage’s Diary reading will be broadcast live on Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM in New York’s Upper Hudson Valley and streamed online at wavefarm.org. More information at: http://basilicahudson.org/read-feed/