WGXC-90.7 FM

Theremin Building Bee Workshop
5662 Route 23 | Acra, NY 12405 | 518-622-2598
THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW SOLD OUT. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list, please email info@wavefarm.org, or phone 518-622-2598.
Like a quilting bee, but making theremins instead!
$40 gets you all the components to build your very own simple pitch-only theremin, along with plenty of handouts and schematics for other types of theremins.
Come discover and explore the world of theremin building alongside Amanda Dawn Christie (Wave Farm Artist-in-Resident "XOADC"). Amanda will have a few different models of theremins on site to demonstrate and play with. As a group we will look at the basic principles of what makes a theremin work, and then we'll distribute parts and components and get down to it! The schematic we will be working with is a pitch only theremin, also known as a "Thierrymin, named after it's designer, Thierry Fenkel. This circuit is still true to the basic principles used in more complex theremins such as the ones designed by Leon Theremin, and Robert Moog, however it is simplified greatly, and as such it is a wonderful place to start out.
BYOB (Bring your own Box) to put the circuit in. Anything will do, as long as it is not conductive or painted with black paint. Get creative! A shoe box, a cigar box, anything you can drill into.
If you have your own soldering iron, bring that along as well.
leads this full-day workshop on building a theremin. Participants will leave the workshop with their own analogue theremin.
This workshop requires pre-registration and can accommodate a limited number of participants. Please email info [at] wavefarm.org to reserve your spot.