WGXC-90.7 FM

Still Life with Sculpture
Jun 21, 2014 - Aug 10, 2014
Thompson Giroux Gallery
57 Main St. | Chatham, NY 12037 | 518-392-3336
Still Life with Sculpture is an exhibition featuring the paintings of Leslie Gabosh, Xico Greenwald, Tatiana Klacsmann, and Joseph Yetto, sculpture by Philip Howie and David Paulson, with furniture by Chris Schober. Celebrate the opening with refreshments and live jazz by Josh Connors and Otto Gardner on Saturday, June 21st from 4-6pm. Gallery hours: Thursday - Monday, 11am - 5pm, open late on Fridays till 7pm. For more information please visit www.thompsongirouxgallery.com or call 518-392-3336.