The Conduction Series: Name your disaster!

Nov 05, 2021: 4pm - 5:30 pm

Created by Anna Friz, August Black, Betsey Biggs, Florencia Curci, Jeff Economy, Jimmy Garver, Maximilian Goldfarb, Peter Courtemanche, Virginia Mantinian, and Rodrigo Ríos Zunino

Artists, educators, and students from CU Boulder, UC Santa Cruz, and SUNY Buffalo come together to create a monthly live radio series, The Conduction Series, airing on Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM Radio for Open Ears in New York’s Upper Hudson Valley. The premiere broadcast coincides with As if radio: a long-form radio show during COP26, for which each transmitting node will work with an environmental calamity common to their region and its accompanying elemental characteristics (fire, drought, water, earth, ice). Participants include: Travis Austin, Nima Bahrehmand, Betsey Biggs, August Black, Andy DiLallo, Martin Freeman, Anna Friz, Jason Geistweidt, Max Goldfarb, Kyle Gonzalez, Paulus van Horne, Ryan Page, Tom Roe, Teri Rueb, Jason Sanford, Laurids Andersen Sonne, and Biyi Wen. At 5 p.m. EDT, following the performance, members will join As if radio organizer Grant Smith for a conversation about the performance, The Conduction Series, and the Mezcal platform.