Audio Placebo Plaza
Audio Placebo Plaza is the collective project of artists Erin Gee, Julia E. Dyck, and Vivian Li.
Canadian performance artist and composer Erin Gee (TIO’TIA:KE – MONTREAL) takes inspiration from her experience as a vocalist and applies it to poetic and sensorial technologies, likening the vibration of vocal folds to electricity and data across systems, or vibrations across matter. Gee’s work can be found in public and private collections. She is an active member of Perte de Signal artist collective (Montreal) and is represented by Wicked Artists.
Julia E. Dyck (1989) is an artist and radio producer originally from Treaty One Territory/Winnipeg who currently works and lives between Brussels and Montreal/Tiohtià:ke. Dyck’s relational and speculative practice explores the possible connections between the body, consciousness, technology and the environment through performance, composition, installation and transmission. Julia often works collaboratively as a member of artistic duos Future Perfect and Platitudes as well as the ffiles radio collective.
Vivian Li, musician and sound artist originally from China, currently lives and practices in Tiohti:áke/Montréal. Her practice includes performance, improvisation, composition, and is based on an experimental approach. She is involved in an electronic harp and synthesizer duo under the name of Echönymphia who premiered at Mutek in 2021. She actively collaborates with local artists of various disciplines and constantly seeks to diversify and innovate her sound practice. See more at:,, and