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Ulster lawmakers vote to cut gas tax
MidHudson News is reporting on a vote of 14 to 9, the Ulster County Legislature April 19, chose to give up some tax revenue, doing away with their share of the gasoline tax at the same time the state does. Democratic Legislator Manna Jo Greene voted against the measure because, she said, the world is facing a climate emergency and should move away from fossil fuels. Others, like Republican Ken Ronk said every penny helps and not everyone has access to mass transit as an alternative to driving to work. Legislative Chair Tracey Bartels, a Democrat, supported the tax reduction but has some ideas on how to manage the estimated $3 million revenue loss to the county. “...I propose a split of spending in three sectors — public transportation, food security, and green energy,” she said. County Executive Pat Ryan said after the legislative vote he was proud that the county is meeting the urgency of the moment, providing desperately needed relief for residents. The new gas tax structure will end at the end of the year. Read the full story at MidHudsonNews [dot] com.