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Athens seeking feedback from residents for comprehensive plan

Jul 20, 2020 1:45 pm
The town and village of Athens is seeking input as part of its process to update the community's comprehensive plan. Officials are asking residents to complete a survey to help. "The threats and opportunities that we face in the village today are significantly different than they were even 10 years ago. The comprehensive planning process will ensure that the Village Board's decisions relative to these are made in accordance with the wishes of the residents," said Mayor Stephan Bradicich in a press release, July 20. The update is intended "...to guide economic and physical growth, land use, recreation, infrastructure, and community development for the next 10 years," according to the mayor's statement. The survey can be completed online or on paper. Online, residents can access the survey at the Athens village website. Paper copies are available at the village office at 2 First Street in Athens, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday through Friday, or by calling 518-945-1551. Surveys must be completed by August 15. Read more at the Athens village website.