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Democrats release poll saying Democrat leads Congressional campaign

Jul 12, 2018 12:03 pm
Bridget Bowman reports in Roll Call that a Democrat-backed poll has the Democrat slightly leading in the Congressional election. The first poll after Antonio Delgado became the Democrat's nominee against fresh incumbent John Faso (R-Kinderhook) shouldn't be taken all too seriously, but the poll commissioned by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has Delgado with a seven-point advantage, with a 49-42 percent result. In 2016, Faso beat Democrat Zephyr Teachout roughly 54-46 percent in the 19th Congressional District, so that would be quite a swing, but in line with similar Democrat turn out in recent primary and special elections around the country. This Democrat-funded poll, questioned 545 likely general election voters June 27 and 28 through a mix of live cell phone and automated landline phone interviews, with a margin of error 4.2 points. Faso has been attacked by Democrats for two years and has just a 30 percent favorable results in the poll, much lower than Delgado's 45 percent. The National Republican Congressional Committee dismissed the poll from their counterparts in a statement July 11. “Leave it to the DCCC to release a bogus poll just days after Antonio Delgado was exposed for recording disturbing and offensive rap lyrics,” NRCC spokesman Chris Martin said. “They know how painfully out of touch Delgado is with the district, and this is a desperate attempt to convince the media that his campaign is even remotely viable.” Read the full story in Roll Call.