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Faso Nov. 29 votes on environmental issues

Nov 30, 2017 12:33 pm
Time magazine reports that the U.S. House of Representatives approved a bipartisan measure Nov. 29 requiring annual anti-harassment training for lawmakers and aides. The house took a voice vote, so there is no record of the vote of Rep. John Faso (R-Kinderhook). Faso did vote Nov. 29 with all Republicans against all Democrats to allow more mining in a Minnesota national park. He also voted for another bill to give a specific company, PolyMet Mining, access to a site to build Minnesota’s first-ever copper-nickel mine and nullify lawsuits filed by environmental groups to stop the land exchange. And Faso voted with all other representatives Nov. 29 to designate specified mountain peaks in the Uncompahgre National Forest in Colorado as "Fowler Peak" and "Boskoff Peak."