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Local pols react to Comey testimony

Jun 10, 2017 12:04 am
CBS6 TV in Albany reports on reactions from local representatives to the testimony of former FBI Director James Comey before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence June 8. Senator Chuck Schumer, on the Senate floor, called on President Donald Trump to release any recordings he may have of the conversations he's had with James Comey. "After hearing Mr. Comey's testimony today, America is stunned," Sen. Schumer said. "The cloud hanging over this administration has just gotten a whole lot darker." U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand released a statement that read, “It was stunning to hear the former FBI Director testify under oath today that President Trump ‘defamed’ him and the Bureau and told lies about them, and that Director Comey began writing contemporaneous memos after their first meeting because he was concerned the President may lie about the interaction. Even more shocking was his testimony that President Trump didn’t have any conversations with him about how a foreign government interfered in our election at a time when Russia ‘is coming after America.’" Congressman John Faso (R-Kinderhook) also issued a statement, and his called the testimony "troubling.... This is why the investigation of the Russia matter by Special Counsel Robert Mueller is most important. The American people deserve to know the truth about any Russian interference in the 2016 election."