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Cuomo leads Nixon among registered voters in latest Quinnipiac poll

Jul 19, 2018 6:45 am

Bill Mahoney is reporting for Politico New York incumbent Andrew Cuomo leads Democratic primary challenger Cynthia Nixon by 36 points in a Quinnipiac University Poll released July 18. “New Yorkers say...they want a gubernatorial candidate with experience in politics over someone new to it,” Quinnipiac polling analyst Mary Snow said in a statement. “Democrats, non-white voters and women, in particular, lead the charge in that preference.” This is the second straight poll by one of the institutes that regularly surveys New Yorkers in which Cuomo has shown a lead of 35 points or more. In a hypothetical scenario in which all gubernatorial candidates remain on the ballot in November, Cuomo would win with 43 percent of the vote. Republican Marc Molinaro would receive 23 percent, and Nixon, running on the Working Families Party’s line, would get 13 percent. Third-party candidates Stephanie Miner, Howie Hawkins and Larry Sharpe would divide 6 percent of the vote. Fourteen percent of respondents remain undecided. The poll surveyed 934 voters, including 415 Democrats, from July 12 through 16. Read the full story at Politico New York.