«ALL NIGHT FLIGHT» is an immersive nocturnal ambient sound excursion in honor of World Listening Day 2013. «ALL NIGHT FLIGHT» is a wide-ranging sonic odyssey which reflects ecologies of many kinds: environmental (ocean sounds, wildlife, atmospheres), religious (calls to prayer and ritual singing), radiophonic (data transmissions, Morse code, folkloric music), and beyond. The listener experiences “natural” sounds juxtaposed with “unnatural” sounds, robotic speech mixed with human speech, field recordings of electronic amplification carrying human sound across rural environments. Weiskopf’s hope is that the listener will be able to hear the world as he does: an endlessly recombinant sonic field where every noise, song, and sound, regardless of its source, takes its place in a perfect, haunting, and eternal arrangement.
Performances start between 9 and 10 PM PST and run all night, mixed continuously, until 5 or 6 AM. Weiskopf rejects traditional concert settings in favor of remote, rural, desert, or undocumented areas.
This edition, produced exclusively for Radius, is a 73-minute distillation of the inaugural «ALL NIGHT FLIGHT» performed, created, and mixed live by Myke Dodge Weiskopf in the desert of Joshua Tree, California, on 20 July 2013, 10 PM - 5 AM PST.
Myke Dodge Weiskopf / Waves of Waves
2013-05-21 - Barrington Hills, IL - Mower and Birdsong
Radio Cairo / 11885 kHz, 5/22/2005 (xxxxUTC)
Myke Dodge Weiskopf / Dark Radio
Soft Sea of Radioteletype: 6363 kHz, 11/13/2003 (0635UTC)
BBC Early NICAM Test, 1980s
Myke Dodge Weiskopf / Song of Encouragement
2013-05-28 - Barrington Hills, IL - Late Night Storm with Airplane
VNG Australia / 5000 kHz, x/xx/2001 (1036UTC)
Myke Dodge Weiskopf / Three Note Oddity (All Night Flight Remix)
NHK Nagoya Broadcasting JOCB / 2011-03-11 - Nagoya, Japan - Emergency Tsunami Evacuation Warning
Myke Dodge Weiskopf / Incipit Vita Nova (JP Jones Split Infinitives RMX)
2013-03-16 - Hilham, Socotra - Waves over gravel beach
Fuzz Noise Drone: 8677 kHz, 5/17/2005 (2355UTC)
RA-1 Channel One / 1991 - Rockford, IL - Mysterious Telephone Loop
Myke Dodge Weiskopf / Attack Warning (All Night Flight Remix)
Stephen Barncard / 2011-07-16 - San Francisco, CA - Foghorns of the Golden Gate
Radio Ukraine International / The Dream by Valentin Silvestrov: 7440 kHz, 5/20/2005 (0200UTC)
2013-01-26 - Phelan, CA - Distant Trains at Mormon Rocks
Myke Dodge Weiskopf / Radio Tone Piece (All Night Flight Remix)
M08: 10715 kHz, 7/22/2003 (0210UTC)
Myke Dodge Weiskopf / Interlude 2: Faders
Radio Stations WWV & WWVH / New Station IDs, 1972 (0358–0403 GMT)
Frequency Intermingling: 6185 kHz, 11/13/2003 (0345UTC)
Myke Dodge Weiskopf / AF447
WFAA-TV, Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX / Station Sign-Off, early to mid-1970s
All pieces recorded, collected, and/or composed by Myke Dodge Weiskopf (1991-2013) except:
“Foghorns of the Golden Gate” recorded by Stephen Barncard (San Francisco, CA 2011)
“WFAA-TV, Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX / Station Sign-Off, early to mid-1970s” by Kosan Chim -Reprinted from Radius.