The Bike Box

Sabine Gruffat & Bill Brown
The Bike Box

The Bike Box. Sabine Gruffat & Bill Brown

Selected for free103point9's 2009/2010 AIRtime Fellowship Program, The Bike Box, is grounded in the artists’ interest in site-specific art and interactive media. The Bike Box will give an area’s residents access to cheap, durable, technology-enhanced bicycles in order to assist and encourage the exploration and interpretation of their environment. Bicycles at The Bike Box will be equipped with a GPS receiver/transmitter that may be connected to each user’s mobile phone. As cyclists pedal through the streets, their GPS coordinates will be beamed to a central computer and their positions will be displayed on a screen at The Bike Box receiving station. When cyclists pass through certain pre-selected GPS coordinates, their cell phones will ring, allowing them to listen to a pre-recorded description of the location informed by local land-use experts, historians, poets, and other interpreters.