Ann Heppermann + Kara Oehler
Ann Heppermann and Kara Oehler are Peabody-award winning public radio producers and media artists based in Brooklyn and Boston. Their stories and long-form documentaries have aired nationally and internationally on public radio shows including: This American Life, Morning Edition, Weekend America, BBC, CBC, Radio Lab, Re:Sound, Marketplace and numerous others. Individually and collectively, their radio stories and media projects have won Peabody, RTNDA Edward R. Murrow, NFCB Golden Reel, PRNDI, Associated Press and Third Coast International Audio Festival (TCIAF) awards, and been exhibited at Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), UnionDocs and Conflux, among other venues. They have held guest lectures at TCIAF, Center for Documentary Studies at Duke, the South Asian Journalists Association Convention at Columbia University, Universität Konstanz and Harvard University and teach at Sarah Lawrence College. Currently, Ann and Kara are traveling around the United States, documenting streets named Main for a new project called Mapping Main Street.