WGXC-90.7 FM

Wave Farm Fellow Jess Speer in conversation with Radio Artist Fellowship Mentors
Wave Farm's 2020/2021 Radio Artist Fellow, Jess Speer, is in conversation live with Fellowship Mentors Anna Friz, Joan Schuman, and Gregory Whitehead. The Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellowship is a nine-month, part-time engagement for a radio scholar and artist living and working in the United States. The Fellowship features three areas of focus: 1) additions to the Wave Farm Radio Art Archive, an online resource and a broadcast series on Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM. 2) community engagement through two workshops (or listening sessions) with WGXC programmers and interested members of the public. 3) create of their own original radio artwork(s) for broadcast, including a contribution to the Radia network, of which Wave Farm is a member. The Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellow works closely with Wave Farm’s Executive Director, Galen Joseph-Hunter, and Artistic Director, Tom Roe and is advised and guided by Fellowship Mentors: Anna Friz, Joan Schuman, and Gregory Whitehead.