WGXC-90.7 FM

Vital Weekly: Jean-Luc Guionnet

Apr 27, 2016: 1am - 2am
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere

Wave Farm Radio

wavefarm.org 1620-AM | Simulcast mid-6 a.m. and Saturdays on WGXC 90.7-FM.

Assembled by Vital Weekly email magazine.

This week, tracklist for Vital Weekly 1028:
0000 Tune 0014 PS Stamps Back - Wood, Woods And Solitude Part 1 0323 Key - Sphere 0633 Phi Bui - Une Femme 0918 Daniel K. Böhm - Blue Uke 1223 Radboud Mens - Cycle 1533 Keith Rowe & Martin Küchen - The Bakery 1 1842 Burckhard Beins, Serge Baghdassarians, Boris Baltschun - N-eck 2152 Bi-Ki? - Tenues 2458 Funkhauser 2809 Jean-Luc Guionnet - Plugged Inclinations 3120 Eric Lunde 3358 Noid & Matija Schellander & Ryu Hankil - Tokyo Office 3709 Skaset - MH370 4019 Tune

Excerpts from the best new experimental music in the world. Vital Weekly is an e-mail magazine, which appears 48 times a year and has the latest cd-reviews and news on concerts and festivals. To subscribe go here: http://www.vitalweekly.net/intro.html

Vital started in 1987 as magazine on paper. It's simple xeroxed form ensured a free copyright and everybody was encouraged to make copies and distribute them freely. Up until 1995 44 issues were made and with the arrival of the Internet, Vital changed into a pure review newsletter and since then it appears weekly. Still as a free service and still without copyright. In the future we hope to get the old paper issues online too. Vital Weekly also makes a audio podcast each week excerpting the works being reviewed. The second and fourth Saturdays two episodes air on Wave Farm Radio and WGXC from 12:05 p.m. to 2 p.m.