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Middleburgh mayor sues New York over legality of Taser ban

Dec 09, 2016 12:02 am
David Kravets reports in Ars Technica that the mayor of Middleburgh in Schoharie County has a lawsuit against New York that may give Taser owners the same Second Amendment rights that gun owners enjoy. New York is one of five states that outlaws electronic weapons, and the Firearms Policy Foundation and Mayor Matthew Avitabile say that is unconstitutional. "Defendants’ laws, customs, practices and policies generally banning the acquisition, possession, carrying and use of Tasers and other electronic arms violates the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution," the lawsuit reads. The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled against a similar Massachusetts law outlawing stun guns, but did not call the law unconstitutional. Read the full story in Ars Technica.