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Olana celebrates 50th anniversary
Katie Kocijanski is reporting in The Daily Mail the Olana State Historic Site celebrated its 50th anniversary Mon., Jun. 27, with a special commemorative ceremony. Longtime supporters of the site and members of the community gathered at the site to celebrate the historic occasion. The Olana Partnership and the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation met 50 years ago when then Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller signed the legislation that authorized the state to purchase the home built by landscape painter Frederic Church. Historic Site Manager Kimberly Flook said Monday the campaign to save the site was led by the late David Huntington, an art historian and then professor at Smith College, who had visited Olana while conducting his graduate research. Sean Sawyer, president of the Olana Partnership, said Huntington joined forces with Sam Aldrich, Rockefeller’s chief aide, to form Olana Preservation, Inc., which later became the Olana Partnership, to save the property. Flook said the site had 170,000 visitors in 2015. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.