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State Senate passes Adult Survivors Act; stalls in Assembly
Morgan McKay is reporting for State of Politics the Adult Survivors Act June 3, passed the state Senate unanimously but it has stalled in the state Assembly. With only four days of the legislative session left, advocates are questioning the Assembly’s priorities. “We are alarmed,” wrote the Sexual Harassment Working group, a group off former legislative staffers who were sexually harassed or witnessed abuse. “We now remind the Assembly: It is your responsibility to pass laws for the good of New Yorkers. ...” The act would allow anyone who has been sexually abused as an adult, 18 years or older, one year to file a civil claim, no matter how long ago the abuse occurred. The bill expands upon the Child Victims Act, the 2019 measure that gave survivors a chance to sue if abuse occurred when they were under the age of 18, resulting in more than 5,000 civil suits statewide. Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal, the bill's sponsor, defended the Assembly’s slow action, pointing to how long it took the Child Victims Act to pass and how there are more members in the Assembly. She also says it has been a challenge to push the measure to the forefront with so many lawmakers working remotely. In response, the Sexual Harassment Working Group cited the Assembly's history of blocking, delaying and running out the clock on any effort to help survivors. "...You can choose to enact a series of bills that would help survivors and prevent sexual harassment and violence in the workplace,” the group said. “Instead, the Assembly has prioritized its time in creating a cover for the governor with an unnecessary investigation at the expense of taxpayers ...” Read the full story at nystateofpolitics [dot] com.