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Hudson waterfront aquarium/museum proposed

Mar 11, 2014 5:15 am
John Mason is reporting in the Register Star a proposal to turn the former Dunn warehouse into an aquarium/history museum was presented to the Hudson Common Council Mon., Mar. 10. The fate of the warehouse, located on Water St., across from Henry Hudson Riverfront Park, and near near the Amtrak station and Basilica Hudson, has been the focus of discussion among city officials. The proposal, for the creation of a multi-use space with education at the core, is the work of the group Hudson Praxis. The main coordinators of the project are Damara Stolfo, bar manager for Helsinki Hudson, and Sarah Dibben, chef and co-owner of Swallow Cafe. Council President Don Moore said the project could be very useful as an anchor for that area of the city. Stolfo told the Council the group has established an online fundraiser to raise money for a feasibility study. Read the full story in the Register Star.