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State to require utilities to purchase more renewable energy

Nov 24, 2015 5:59 am
Scott Waldman is reporting at Politico New York under a new proposal the state will require utilities to purchase more of their power from carbon-free sources within the next 15 years. The state's energy goals released in June require the energy grid be powered by at least 50 percent renewables and that carbon levels be reduced by 40 percent by the year 2030. Under the plan utilities would be allowed to use nuclear energy to supply carbon-free power as the renewable industry is development over the next 15 years. At least two of the state’s four nuclear reactors are financially struggling and may close in the next few years. The administration plan has the potential to extend the life of both plants by more than a decade, an administration official said Mon., Nov. 23. The plan is scheduled to be publicly released during Gov. Andrew Cuomo's State of the State address in January. The Public Service Commission will take up the proposal in January, as well. The New York plan to require utilities to purchase renewable energy is modeled on a California policy, just recently signed into law. Cuomo administration officials leaked the proposal to The New York Times over the weekend. Read the full story at Politico New York.