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Civil suit filed against Cairo priest
Apr 26, 2012 7:12 am
W. T. Eckert reports in The Daily Mail 23-year-old Martin Morales has filed a civil suit against the Rev. Jeremiah Nunan, 74, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Cairo and Our Lady of Knock Mission in East Durham. Morales' family, his attorney, J. Michael Reck and advocates against abuse by priests held a press conference in Albany, Tues., Apr. 24. Morales is currently incarcerated on charges related to the March 2011 attempted kidnapping and murder of his ex-girlfriend. Morales alleges the sexual abuse took place when he was between the ages of 7 and 12, from 1996 and 2003. The alleged abuse then continued for a series of another five years from 2006 to 2011. Nunan was recently placed on administrative leave by the Albany Roman Catholic Diocese after the allegations surfaced. This is the second time Nunan has been accused of the sex abuse of a minor. In 2006, Nunan was accused of abusing a child beginning in 1967, during the time he was serving at St. Mary’s Church in Hudson. Following an 11-month investigation, Nunan was cleared and restored to the ministry. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.