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Beth Horton is new director of Catskill Community Center

Jan 06, 2016 5:50 am

Katie Kocijanski is reporting in The Daily Mail Leeds resident Beth Horton is the new director of the Catskill Community Center, as of Fri., Jan. 1, replacing Lorraine Warner. Horton previously worked for the center as the after-school supervisor and program director. She is the founder and owner of Pamper Thyme in Leeds. Horton's background includes work in the medical and banking industries, and as a teaching assistant for the North Colonie Central School District. Horton lauded Warner and the center's Board of Directors for their work in establishing the center. Long hours and hard work have brought it to a good place, she said, and she is ready to take it to the next level, improving programs for the entire Catskill community. Horton's plans include a partnership with the Catskill Central School District, and she is also thinking about starting a coffee house on Friday nights. Horton also plans to expand the Catskill Farmer's Market from a seasonal to year-round market. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.