WGXC-90.7 FM

Catskill wants to slow down changes in electronic signs

Oct 05, 2018 12:33 am
Sarah Trafton reports in Columbia-Greene Media that electronic signs in Catskill may soon be regulated. The Sign Law Amendment discussed at the board’s Oct. 2 meeting is mostly concerned with how frequently electronic signs change, and if that is a distraction for drivers. Why is the town addressing electronic signs now? “It was unclear who had the authority to grant variances for signs,” Code Enforcement Officer Elliot Fishman said Oct. 3. “It was also clear that digital signs had not been adequately addressed.” The zoning board would be able to grant variances under the proposal, but digital signs would only be allowed to change every three minutes. Fishman said he would work on a revised proposal for the town's next meeting, Nov. 6. WGXC has a recording of the Oct. 2 Catskill meeting available for download or play here on the WGXC Newsroom.