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Committee to explore next steps in airport plan
Jun 24, 2014 6:34 am
Joe Gentile is reporting in the Register Star the Columbia County Board of Supervisors Airport Committee is now in the process of deciding what its next steps should be. Earlier this month, the FAA reclassified the Ghent airport, allowing the runway safety zone to be reduced from 1,000 to 300 feet. The county now may only need a little less than 14 acres of land to implement its runway safety plan. Committee chairman Art Bassin said the committee first needs to know what aerial navigation easements are needed, and how much they are appraised for, before initiating a conversation with Carmen Nero, the adjacent property owner. Nero previously rejected the county’s offer to purchase 16 acres, and 90 acres of aerial navigation easements for $629,000. Bassin said ultimately the county will pay Nero what the experts say the property is worth, nothing more. Read the full story in the Register Star.