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NY AG's report slams Saratoga officials over treatment of BLM activists
Patrick Tine reports in the Times Union that on Feb. 21 a state attorney general's report found that former Saratoga mayor Meg Kelly, former Saratoga public safety commissioner Robin Dalton, and former Saratoga police chief Shane Crooks engaged in an "unconstitutional official policy" of retaliation against members of the Saratoga Black Lives Matter group in the summer of 2021. Saratoga Black Lives Matter leader Lexis Figuereo said the group would be filing a lawsuit against the city of Saratoga for actions the report says were "conceived of and approved by the highest decision makers in city government." Figuereo also said he would be seeking charges against the former mayor, Kelly, who, the report says, told the police to initiate an unfounded child protective services investigation against him. Figuereo described the visit from child protective services to his home, saying, "(CPS was) searching through our house, talking to my kids, making them talk to strangers during COVID, asking them 'do your parents feed you enough? Do we beat you? Do we sell drugs? What do we do for a living? Do we have guns in the house?... That is the worst part of the report to me. It isn't what happened to me. It's what happened to my children and my chosen outlook in life." Current Saratoga Mayor John Safford said that city officials were reviewing the report and "learning from its content and proceeding with the development and implementation of policies, procedures and practices to address the recommendations made by the Attorney General's Office." Read more about this story in the Times Union.